The League of Women Voters supports registration and voting methods that ensure the integrity of the election system, maximize voters' unencumbered access to the ballot, preserve the secrecy of the ballot and ensure accurate and timely vote tabulation. Citizens should have the right to file complaints and writs of mandamus to force compliance with election laws.
Illinois' new Vote By Mail (VBM) law makes voting safer and more accessible for all voters during the COVID-19 pandemic.
important vote by mail dates
Online applicants will receive a personal URL # to track ballot status.
news and latest developments
From Cook County Clerk
ANSWERS TO TOP 10 QUESTIONS The Clerk addresses the most common county-specific questions related to Mail Voting. |
Vote Healthy. Vote By Mail.
Please help us spread the word to your friends and family! Voting by mail is safe, secure, smart, easy, and common. Voter fraud is rare. Visit the League of Women Voters U.S. website for Five Reasons to Have Confidence in Mail Ballots. Mail ballot applications are now available from the Cook County Clerk's office. Ballots will be sent to applicants on or after September 24 and must be returned by November 3 - earlier if possible. To keep up-to-date on related voting and election information, visit our Election Information page. |
Voting Safely During Pandemic
VBM: 2020 ELECTION SOLUTION Voting by Mail has become a major topic in light of health concerns surrounding Covid-19. This short video explains how Vote by Mail works to ensure safe and secure elections. |
Below, the League of Women Voters of Illinois answers some common questions about VBM. For more information regarding voting requirements, please visit our online voting tool, illinoisvoterguide.org
What are the basics of the new law?
All registered voters who voted in the past two years will be automatically sent an application for a VBM ballot. You can apply for a ballot online, receive your ballot at home, vote (in your pajamas if you want) and return your ballot without ever going anywhere except the post office. You can, of course, vote in person if you want.
Early voting hours have been expanded and November 3rd is a state holiday - all in an effort to decrease crowds on Election Day.
Early voting hours have been expanded and November 3rd is a state holiday - all in an effort to decrease crowds on Election Day.
Why can’t we just ‘socially distance’ and vote in person?
Social distancing is very difficult when voting in person. Election day voting often means long lines, crowded rooms, and shared pens or touch screens, all of which increase the potential spread of COVID-19. Election judges have to be willing to risk their health by working with voters all day.
How do I apply for a mail-in ballot?
Go to illinoisvoterguide.org to find a link to your election authority. You may apply online for a ballot or send a written application for a ballot to your election authority.
How do I register or check my voter registration?
Go to illinoisvoterguide.org
What if I get a VBM ballot and then decide to vote in person?
You can surrender your ballot at your precinct and vote in person on election day.
What if my ballot doesn’t arrive on time?
There are provisions for those who applied for, but never received a VBM ballot. You can go to your precinct and vote a ballot on Election Day.
Where/How do I return my VBM ballot?
You can return your VBM ballot in three ways: seal it in the provided pre-paid postage envelope and drop it into the USPS mail, drop it in a secure ballot box at an early voting site (Centennial Ice Rink at 2300 Old Glenview Rd in Wilmette), or drop it off at your local election authority (Cook County Clerk at 69 West Washington St in Chicago) or nearest regional courthouse (Skokie Courthouse at 5600 Old Orchard Rd in Skokie).
Do I need a special envelope?
You will receive an envelope with your VBM ballot, which may have a barcode on it so that you can track your ballot. You will sign and date the outside of this return envelope, and this signature will be compared with the signature on file for every registered voter.
Where is my local election authority?
In most cases, it is your County Clerk, but there are 6 local election authorities in the following Cities: Bloomington, Chicago, Danville, East St. Louis, Galesburg, and Rockford.
What is the difference between a vote by mail ballot and an absentee ballot?
Nothing. They are just different terms for a ballot you mail in.
What is no-excuse absentee voting?
Some states require voters to have a reason to vote by mail, such as illness or travel. In a no-excuse state, anyone can get a vote by mail ballot. Illinois is a no-excuse state.
How are VBM ballots tabulated?
VBM ballots are tabulated using the same kind of machines that are used at in-person polling sites. Election judges scan VBM paper ballots through the machines as they are received. The ballots will be scanned in advance, but final tabulations will not be run until the end of Election Day.
How long does it take to tally the votes?
Because ballots can come in as late as election day, it may take some time before all ballots are counted. We may not know who wins on election night.
Do other states vote by mail?
Yes. Five states currently conduct all elections entirely by mail: Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah. In 28 states and Washington, DC, voters are able to request a ‘no-excuse’ VBM ballot. In some of these states, such as California and Arizona, the majority of the population currently votes from home by mail.
What if I am a college student and will be out of state on Election Day?
You can apply to have a VBM ballot sent to your campus address. You may also be able to vote in the state of your college, but go to vote411.org to check out the residency and requirements and registration deadlines. Remember: You can have two official addresses but you can only vote in one place.
what are some benefits of voting by mail?
- Basically, VBM allows greater access for more people, which in some cases increases voter turnout.
- There is no need to travel, which is great for the elderly, those with disabilities, and those who don’t have reliable transportation.
- Those who work during voting hours don’t need to ask for time off.
- VBM saves money for many communities, as they need fewer polling places and poll workers.
- Voters have additional time to research their ballots - if they see the name of a candidate that they don’t recognize, or are unsure about their choice, they can stop and do some research before voting. LWV suggests that voters use illinoisvoterguide.org, a non-partisan, online research tool with information about every candidate and every referendum on every ballot in the entire state.
what are the main concerns about voting by mail?
- Not everyone has a permanent address, and some people move often, so voter registration information is often out of date and some applications and/or ballots might be sent to the wrong address; USPS does NOT forward ballots.
- All 108 election authorities in the state will need to be equipped to handle a larger vote by mail volume; upgrading their systems will take time and money.
- Some voters might be pressured to vote in a way they don’t want to by family members, employers or others.
is VBM fraud a problem?
No. Voter fraud is so rare that you are more likely to get hit by lightning! The nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice says VBM “fraud rates remain infinitesimally small”. A study from the MIT Election Data and Science Lab says that VBM ballot fraud is so rare that it is not a concern. Colorado, Washington and Oregon have used voting by mail extensively for years, and there is no significant difference in voter fraud in those states than in others. (Note that voter fraud, in general, is very rare.) There is actually a larger risk of fraud with voting machines which can be vulnerable to hacking, potentially changing a large number of votes at a time.
How do election officials combat vbm fraud?
Election officials have tools to check for fraud, such as looking for statistical irregularities. Signature matching is another way to control voter fraud. Every voter signs the envelope containing their ballot. This signature is verified against the signature on file. If they don’t match, the election authority contacts the voter to confirm or allow them to correct the signature. The nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice suggests other ways to manage VBM risks.
does vbm benefit one party vs. the other?
No. A recent study by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research showed that voting by mail creates higher overall voter turnout and that both parties benefit equally.
can non-us citizens vote by mail?
No! Only U.S. citizens who are eligible and have registered to vote may vote in any election, whether they are voting by mail or in person. Illegally voting in any federal election in the United States is a federal offense as outlined in the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (Title II, Section 216)
what is current voter sentiment about vbm?
According to an April 28 Pew Research Poll, 70% of Americans say they favor “allowing any voter to vote by mail if they want to.” This option would protect voters from contracting COVID19 and help those with a disability or who have transportation issues.
Where does the League of Women Voters stand on VBM?
The LWV supports the expansion of VBM for the duration of the 2020 election cycle. The right to vote is a fundamental principle of our democracy and when more Americans can participate in our elections, the outcome better reflects who we are as a country. In light of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, it is imperative for state election officials to address public health concerns by limiting the need to cast an in-person ballot.
Special thanks to the League of Women Voters of Glen Ellyn for their FAQ template.